
Wiichihiiwewin Centre


Here at Wiichihiiwewin Centre, we’re committed to investing our expertise and resources in order to further achieve our cause. Since 2000, we’ve been supporting our community members in a variety of ways and measuring our success not by monetary size, but by more qualitative measurements such as the scale and effectiveness of our efforts. Just imagine what we can achieve together!

WWC Support and Service is Provided to People Who May Be Dealing With:

  • addictive behaviors

  • destructive human behaviors

  • abusive behaviors

  • suicide prevention and intervention

  • grief and loss

  • youth issues

  • stress management and anger management

  • family dynamics – family, marriage and couples relationships

  • healthy family support and training

  • trauma




To provide a much needed, center-based, resource for the members of the community of Waskaganish in the area of social service and healing support

To bring a foundational approach that values and respects the dignity of all people, through an emphasis on Person-Center Therapy, Family Therapy, and other integrative approaches

To help and support individuals to achieve health and well-being in all areas of life using a traditional, cultural land-based approach

To begin a healing process/plan for individual clients and families




1.  Identify Situations in the community

2.  Work to match our Resources to address the situations,

3.  Plan and provide Service and Support Activites to improve those situations,

4.  Examine the immediate Output/Impact of the activities, and

5.  Set and measure Short Term and Long Term Outcomes using data to show Community Involvement and Progress.